Sandy Thomas

My favorite art along the Jackrabbit Trail during the month of July was by Sandy Thomas. I reached out to her to see if I could buy copies of her two pieces. Today, she delivered them to me and we had the best conversation when we met in front of the North Natomas Library. We each took selfies.

Then I received another amazing gift from her. Sandy is also a poet:

Sandy, it was so good to meet you and thank you so much for the poems!

Back to school

Sophia, Avery and Carson are all in school at home. Sophia does great working in her room. Avery has a desk in the office and wears headphones. Carson is in TK and benefits from some guidance. The morning prayer:



Practicing basic multiplication facts, I’m in charge of the stopwatch:


There are 43 completed … so far. A few of them have had their spider legs soaked with glue, others dipped in liquid starch. I’m experimenting with the best way to stiffen.

Bike Doc

In N Natomas, Jibe provides residents access to Bike Doc on Saturdays at the Natomas Farmers Market.

Bike Doc mechanics complete basic repairs and troubleshoot problems based on common issues and conditions. Jibe contracts with SABA to provide the service. This morning I was the receptionist receiving the bikes, tagging them, and keeping the paperwork in order.

Deb and Glenn, the lead mechanic

Two bubbly friendly sharks (looks way too hot to me):

The last bikes arrived at 11:20 and by noon, I was wilting in the heat – already 100 degrees. Time to go home.

Bike ride to Old Sac

Seven bicycles, eight people, 9 miles roundtrip from Thais and Lenin’s house. This was so much fun. We rode single file (like you’re supposed to) with Lenin riding sweep on the Yuba Mundo with Carson on the back.

Thais, Lenin, Sophia, Carson, Avery, Jeffery, Leo

Part of the Garden Highway is closed for construction but bikes and pedestrians can still pass through.

Secret Garden

Stemmler Dr deadends, for now, at the corners of Opus Cir and Chateau Montelena Way. Eventually it will connect to a street that still needs to be created. In the meantime, someone has created the cutest little garden on what is probably city property. It is impeccably maintained.

Cloud Bread

I guess Cloud Bread is all the rage on TikTok. This time Sophia made a reddish batch.

The texture was airy, the smell was a strong sulphury egg … and that was as far as I got. Why would I taste something that smelled so bad?

Avery, what would your mom and dad say if they saw you standing up there? “They’d probably tell me to get down.” That’s what I thought.