ELPAC testing

Twin Rivers USD invited retired teachers to come back to test students at grades K-6 on the English Language Performance Assessment for California (ELPAC). We were trained on Monday, I started working on Wednesday at Del Paso Heights Elementary, but had a slow start because of logging-in issues. By Friday, things were moving smoothly.

Jibe Ride-Along

This morning, beginning at 6am, I rode the Midwest route for Jibe Express three times to downtown and back. This is my favorite route because it picks up quite a few people in front of Four Seasons Westshore.
I handed out muffins, reminded riders of Jibe services, and took suggestions, comments, compliments, etc. By far, most of the compliments went to Juan the driver. He knows everyone’s name and maybe a little something that’s going on in their lives.

The yellow blouse is the latest Jibe work shirt. Here’s the back:

Cookie Challenge

Avery asked if I could make a certain kind of cookie which he described. It turned out to be most like a Girl Scouts Samoas or Caramel deLites. I like a good cooking challenge but this one was time-consuming and difficult. Unfortunately the cookies got a 7-9 rating from Avery and Sophia.

Cookie challenge

Avery asked if I could make cookies like the Girl Scouts’ Caramel deLites or Samoas. I like a good cooking challenge. And it was a time-consuming challenge. Shortbread cookie base topped with toasted coconut mixed with melted caramels – a mixture that liked to harden very quickly – ugh. Then I had to form little flat logs to “glue” onto each shortbread cookie. Even the last step, dipping in chocolate and drizzling more on top, didn’t go well. I was hoping Sophia and Avery wouldn’t like them, but they got a 7-9 (out of 10) rating.

The ugly drizzle is evidence of my frustration: