Stonegate Elementary Bike Club

Now that all basic street-riding skills have been taught, it was time to practice those skills on the street. Which we did. Then we rode a cool trail with a (sort-of) round-about. All the boys loved riding around and around, relatively fast, laughing all the way.

Christopher, Connor, and Tyraun

Logan and Matthew


West Sacramento bike clubs

In addition to Project Ride Smart in the mornings, I also coach after-school bike clubs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Thursday club at Westfield Village started just this week and we will only have 6 meetings.
On Tuesdays, I’m at Stonegate Elementary and have 6 members. On Wednesdays, I’m at Bridgeway Island Elementary and have 25 members! This requires a whole different teaching strategy and more LCIs to lead the street rides. And there are only 3 club members at Westfield Village. Sweet! My biggest problem appears to be an inability to take pictures and coach at the same time. Thus, the above picture is the only one I’ve taken over the course of 10 club meetings in 5 weeks.

Project Ride Smart

Project Ride Smart at Regency park began Tuesday. I’m working with two new LCIs who are also new to teaching Project Ride Smart – Christy Lewis and Sue Schooley.
The melon drop:
This melon didn’t wear a helmet:

Mr Young is so supportive. He came to after-school coaching on Friday and taught one student how to ride a bike while Christy and I worked with 4 other students. He also spent extra time reinforcing some of the concept we taught.

Dinner with Carol & Jerry

Vroom, vroom! That must be the Jer. A couple of vrooms before he turns off the ignition.

Last January I posted this picture of Beef Short Ribes which Carol thought looked pretty good. This time I thickened the pan juices into a light gravy and served it over egg noodles. Yum!

Thursday @ Merrilyn’s

Let me start here. I had a doctor’s appointment this morning which had to be cancelled at the last minute because I had a dead battery. I got a really quick solution to my problem at my local Subaru dealership and was only 30 minutes late to Thursday @ Merrilyn’s! Only to find that Bob also had a dead battery and was waiting for his solution!
Meanwhile, great food, wine and company. We had Vegetable potstickers; and Carmelized onion and bacon dip, Mushroom pate with crackers, chips and vegetables.